We Call On Seattle Retailers To Take the 15% Pledge
The time has come for each of us to put into practice the principles we have professed over the past few weeks since protests have erupted around the country over systematic racism and discrimination. The fashion industry is not exempt from these practices and in fact, they are often part of the problem. Aurora James, Founder of the Brooklyn-based label Brother Vellies, is asking retailers to take the 15 Percent Pledge to dedicate at least 15 percent of their shelf space to Black-owned businesses. It’s no secret that Black-Owned brands are underrepresented by many of our favorite stores and now is the time to urge companies to change that.
Source: Cosmo
In order for retailers to address their lack of representation, the pledge is broken down into three actionable steps:
1- Take stock of the percentage of business, shelf space, and contracts given to Black-owned businesses and suppliers at present.
2 - Take ownership of your findings, thoroughly interrogating how existing blind spots and biases within your company and society at large have led to the disparities—and what concrete steps you can take to address them. Publish your findings internally and externally, and use them to inform a brand-new vision for “business as usual.”
3- Take action. Define and publish a plan for growing the share of Black businesses you empower to at least 15 percent, alongside a concrete strategy by which you plan to stay accountable to and transparent around your commitment. Execute your plan.
Earlier this week beauty giant Sephora answered the call and publicly made the pledge. My hope is that other retailers will soon follow suit. If you want to see more stores carry products by black-owned businesses, sign the pledge and continue holding retailers accountable. The 15% Pledge petition currently has more than 100,000 signatures.
We must each start to make the change from within our spheres of influence and today I’d like to start by asking Seattle fashion retailers to take the 15% Pledge. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be working with my team to do outreach to Seattle boutiques and retailers. Please join us in continuing this important conversation with stores in your community. We will also be working to connect retailers with amazing Black-owned brands that can help diversify their product assortment and continue their commitment to the 15% Pledge.